This deck was pitched to the following panel of investors at our Hilary ‘23 Pitch Day:
1) Michael Abrams, Senior Analyst, Repertoire Partners
2) Hamish Clark, Global Sector Team Lead, Fidelity Investments
You can download the full deck here
Fundamental Pitch Day Decks
This deck was pitched to the following panel of investors at our Hilary ‘23 Pitch Day:
1) Michael Abrams, Senior Analyst, Repertoire Partners
2) Hamish Clark, Global Sector Team Lead, Fidelity Investments
You can download the full deck here
This deck was pitched to the following panel of investors at our Hilary ‘23 Pitch Day:
1) Michael Abrams, Senior Analyst, Repertoire Partners
2) Hamish Clark, Global Sector Team Lead, Fidelity Investments
You can download the full deck here
This deck was pitched to the following panel of investors at our Hilary ‘23 Pitch Day:
1) Michael Abrams, Senior Analyst, Repertoire Partners
2) Hamish Clark, Global Sector Team Lead, Fidelity Investments
You can download the full deck here
This deck was pitched to the following panel of investors at our Hilary ‘23 Pitch Day:
1) Michael Abrams, Senior Analyst, Repertoire Partners
2) Hamish Clark, Global Sector Team Lead, Fidelity Investments
You can download the full deck here